Saturday, July 30, 2011

I came. I saw. I TRIed.

I thought several times about doing a pre-tri post, but I really didn't know if it was going to happen. I was SCARED. I decided part way through this week that it might be a good thing to do, and spent the rest of the week trying to convince myself that I had made the right decision. I haven't been training for a triathlon! Even though this was just a sprint, I was still really scared. I had never done anything like it before and just didn't know what to expect. However, in the midst of training for the Spokane to Spandpoint relay, I have been doing a lot of cross-training, and after a couple of test brick workouts, I decided to go for it.

Last night I was really nervous. I got all my gear out so, if nothing else, I would feel prepared. It made me feel a little better. I looked legit! And I noticed that everything I have matches. It is all blue and green! Everything was going to be ok. My goal was to not finish last. I honestly thought that it might be a problem. You see, this triathlon was put on by our stake (how cool is that?).  It is free to participate in, and you can participate as an individual, or as part of a team. What this translates to is that most beginners choose to participate as part of a team. That leaves crazy rock stars doing everything by themselves. Well, crazy rock stars - and me. YIKES!
 I think I woke up three times during the night, worried that I had slept through the event. I also dreamed that Oliver had completed the entire tri before I had even finished the run. (He was really speedy, this dream wasn't all that far from the truth, though I blame that on my mountain bike - well, that  and the fact that Oliver is pretty much a natural born rock star).  In the morning Camilla, Oliver, and I packed up the car and headed over to the Springville pool where the event would start. Camilla was AMAZING. She was our coach. She cheered, took pictures, and helped us with our transitions. I don't know what I would have done without her. Once we got signed up and had our numbers written on us, the fear started to subside and I felt ready to tackle the tri!
The run was really good. Besides being almost 3.5 miles instead of 3.1, I felt really good about my time. Biking was next. Even though I was on my mountain bike, I feel like I tore it up the best I could. We went out and back twice and the only moment of the day when I REALLY had to give it 150% was when I had to climb a cursed hill for the second time. I had to rely on my running mantra, "Nobody stops me but me." As long as I keep moving forward, I will keep moving forward. And I did, slowly, but surely. At the top of the hill I saw Oliver on his way back down. I shouted "If I can do this, I can do anything!" I believe that. 13 miles? Done. Oliver and Camilla both met me for the swim transition, they were awesome, and I was ready to go without even realizing what had just happened. The pool was warm and chaotic, but at that point, there was no stopping me. I made my way through the 600m swim and you better believe that I ran through that finish line.  And then you know what? I WAS DONE! I completed my first triathlon!  And to top it all off, I kid you not, Justin Beiber was singing Never Say Never as I crossed the line. Whoa. Thanks Justin.

When I was deciding whether or not to make an attempt at this day, I thought about how it would feel to cross the finish line. After that moment, there was no turning back. Finishing felt exactly like I thought it would. I had also been worried about competing with other people from the Stake, but they were great. The stake presidency and one of the members of our old bishopric were there to guide us and cheer us on. There were a lot of incredible volunteers, and best of all was the fact that (and deep inside I already knew this would be true) every one who I knew that passed me cheered me on, (and I cheered on the few that I passed!). Overall it was a great event, and I am so glad that I had the courage to try.


Tracy said...

And you rocked! :)

Erinlizabeth said...

Guess what I just did? Read all your blog posts that I missed in China! If only I could be half as cool as you... If only... ;-)

Karen Ella said...

So VERY proud of you!!!!!!!

Amy said...

That's my best friend! Go Henny or go home! P.S. I tried to order you a custom water bottle that said that but you can only order them in bulk and I had no idea how I would get rid of a hundred inside joke water bottles. I suppose this will have to be one of those times when it really is the thought that counts.

Shelly said...

Oh my goodness. Woman, you are AMAZING. You told that tri what's up!

Camilla said...

P.S. I am so, so, SO proud of you!! You are amazing!