Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Trail Runners and Midnight Concerts

Happy Pioneer Day! I found out late Friday afternoon that I wouldn't have to go into work on Monday. Hooray for Pioneers! I hadn't planned on having the day off, so I hadn't made a lot of plans. It ended up being a pretty perfect day.  As I finally had some time to go up into the mountains, I decided to take my trail runners for their inaugural run. They are the most beautiful pair of shoes I have ever seen. I am not kidding. I almost cried when I saw them online - I knew that they had to be mine. Now they are, and I am one exceedingly happy girl. Anyway, I ran up to Stewart Falls and it was absolutely lovely. Below you can see a picture of my runners in their natural habitat:
On my way up the trail, a mom pulled her 5 year old daughter to the side of the trail so I could pass and said, "See, that is tough. She is going to run all the way up there."  I wanted to stop and hug her. On the way back a lady said, "Wow, that is impressive." I wanted to hug her too, but it was all downhill at that point and I would have run her over if I had tried to stop. I can't tell you how grateful I am for little moments like that.  As I sat by the falls, I took some time to really think about what I was doing there. I had made the choice to spend a good chunk of my day off alone, running. Who have I become? I came to a very satisfying conclusion, and I would love to chat about it, but it is far more involved than anything I can write here. Just know that it is a totally stellar conclusion, and I am glad that I took the time to hang out with me today.

I did also get some premium friend time in. We made dinner, stopped by FHE, and ended the night with an adventure of epic proportions. At about 10:30 I went to bed, but couldn't sleep. At 11:30 I heard yelling outside my window coming from somewhere across the neighborhood and wondered what on Earth was going on? Didn't people know that I couldn't sleep and this wasn't helping? Well, about 30 seconds later I heard my front door slam. One of my very dear friends had all but run for her life and found safety in my front room.  Turns out there was an altercation between her and her roommate, and said roommate lost her temper and went a little too far got way out of hand. My friend ended up calling the police and 4 of us spent the next few hours waiting, talking to the cops and waiting some more. In the midst of the waiting we had an impromptu concert in my front room. It is always a good idea to have a guitar around to take the edge off of high-anxiety moments like these.  Anyway, all is resolved, and everyone is safe. And I have had a Pioneer Day that I will never forget.

1 comment:

Mitch and Cortney said...

That's awesome that you ran that!!! I've been struggling horribly with the will power to hit the gym. and some days it's just too hot to run outside! I'm glad you had a fun and safe pioneer day! And yay for exciting news, like having holidays off of work!!