Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Camilla the Thrilla

I have been dreading this post for a long time. This summer has been great, several very dear friends have moved on to new adventurous lives in faraway places, and I am afraid that today I had to say goodbye yet again. Luckily it was only a partial goodbye as we have the good fortune of meeting up Washington next week for our relay, but then there will be another goodbye and we just aren't going to think about that right now.   

Camilla J Hodge (aka The Blur) is off to North Carolina to start a PhD program! (Yes, I do only keep rock stars as friends) She will be studying Parks and Recreation Management. I really can’t begrudge her leaving; she was born to do this. Camilla is quite honestly one of the most brilliant people that I have ever met. She is perseverant, dedicated, and stubborn. PhD, you don’t know what is coming to get you.

For me, Camilla was one of those people who came crashing into my life and showed me how much cooler everything could be. I kid you not, I owe a great deal of my awesomeness to Camilla. Many thanks to my darling friend for the sheepen, Yogurtland, the inspiration of the yellow raincoat of justice, your love of MJ, my love of running, so many shared boxes of crackaroni and cheese, Sara B sing-a-longs, that one day that we ran in the canyon and it made everything better, for letting me fall asleep on your bean bag chair, and for believing in me. Oh, and for being my neighbor in 2007, even though we didn’t know it.

Milla, you are making me cry. I miss you already.

Do me a favor and look up that front desk clerk at that hotel will you?



Tracy said...

I just barely gave her a hug goodbye on my way to work. She will be missed.

Karen Ella said...

hahahahahahah. the desk clerk! hahahhahahahah.

ihaverun said...

Love your blog already and this is just my first visit. And you are in Utah?!? How have we not met at Yogurtland??

Camilla said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Don't you dare make me weep. I just read this out loud to my mom, laughed heartily at the Yellow Raincoat of Justice, and missed you all over again. I'm so glad I read this. I will see you in mere days, my dear!