Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I did it! I survived! Not being in school is a very interesting thing. I have been fighting an immense feeling of guilt that tells me I should be working on school work nonstop.

But I shouldn't be.

So, I have been fighting back.

Here are the highlights of my summer so far:

I read a book just for fun
I went to the zoo
I went fishing
I got a sunburn
I slept past 9 o'clock
I stayed out till 4am
I "hiked" up to Bridal Veil Falls
I signed up for an improv class
I spent a lovely windy afternoon out at Utah Lake
I visited Yogurtland about 1 million times
AND I have spent several days doing almost nothing

It has been lovely.

In other news, our ward boundaries changed again. We are going to be smaller. We have added some great people and it is so good to see the ward coming together to welcome them. I feel really good about it. In short, I feel really good about life. Being free from school is fabulous. Whoever invented summer break should get a free ticket to heaven. Thanks summer break inventor!


Amy said...

Glad you finally got a break. Enjoy!

Tracy said...

free ticket to heaven! Ha! I love you. You are so funny. So glad that you are on summer break now. This means we can have fun. Bring on the forts and sleep overs and running and cooking!!!