Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Celebrity Gossip: Idol Worship vs Idle Chatter

We all have talents that we are known for. Some people are known for their extraordinary musical talent, some are known for their bright intellect, and others still are known for their athletic prowess or social grace. I am known for two things. First, my biting sarcastic wit. Second, my penchant for celebrity gossip and trivia. Some may say that my healthy appetite for all things celebrity may boarder on idol worship. However, I must disagree. Really, it is not about idol worship, it is all about idle chatter. In a world of shop talk, one must always be at the top of their game. I guess this is me confessing my dangerously shallow ways, but you will soon see that my celebrity trivia keeps me ready for anything that the world of potentially uncomfortable public conversation may throw at me. Look at what celebrity news can teach us:

Topic of conversation #1 Politics:
Why should I waste my time becoming truly informed when I can always trust my performing friends to have something to say about politics? Why watch the news if I can just follow the political advice of Beyonce and Jay-Z? Forbes recently reported them the highest grossing couple of 2008. How can you not trust that? You can always rely on celebrities to show up at rallies, give endorsements, throw parties and even wear statement-making t-shirts - all done to educate the masses on what would be good for our country. Of course they know what is best for our country! If you are living a mulit-million dollar lifestyle with access to exclusive clubs, a personal entourage, late nights and gucci shoes, you speak for the people right? Right?

#2 World Events
Who else could make protesting gross human rights violations as big a fad as having twins? Why, Angelina Jolie and the rest of the celebrity world, of course! Save Darfur concerts, CDs, magazine ads and t-shirts were all the rage for a minute there. Want to sound like you care? Save Darfur! Want to change the world? Buy a CD! It is so easy to live vicariously through pictures of pretty people in ugly places and do your part by sporting some Save Darfur threads.

*I once heard a phenomenal slam poet deliver an awesome poem about celebrity and saving darfur. He suggested sending all the paparrazi to Darfur and hence using knowledge, instead of celebrity to change the world. Hmm, what a novel idea!

#3 Gossip
Something I love about the world of idle chatter is that gossip ranks right up there with politics and world events. What a well balanced world! I love gossip for several reasons. The first reason is that I love to feel better about myself. Even though I don't have miraculous talent, endless cash or throngs of fans, I take comfort in knowing that this will never be me:
Amy, no disrespect meant, but really? REALLY?! Must you waste away your precious little life and mad style like this? And yet, as hard as it is, we all love a good trainwreck. (and by "we" I mean all of us in the idle chatterers club) I think a lot of it is that we love redemption. The harder they fall, the more glorious the comeback. Look at Britney Spears for goodness sake. She was a hot mess one day and 30 lbs thinner and back on tour the next. Who else can do that? Thank you celebrity!

#4 Last but not least, lessons in LOVE!

'Nuff said.

So, in conclusions friends, don't worry go crazy with idol worship, come join the party that is idle chatter! Your life will never be the same.


Lindsay Pace said...

Brilliant! I love idle chatter, especially yours! Save Darfur!

Hali said...

No need for me to take part in the idle chatter...I live with you. I'm well informed ;-).

Jeff and Ari said...

I couldn't agree more :)! Just another reason why you are fantastic!

Unknown said...

Wonderful blog posting that gives latest celebrity gossip news.