Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Corny Jokes

Sometimes, bad jokes stick with you. For example:

What is brown and sticky?

A stick.

What do you call a lazy baby kangaroo?

A pouch potato.

And recently:

What is green and fuzzy, has four legs and will smash you if it falls out of a tree and lands on you?

That's right folks:

A pool table.

It's ok, you can laugh. It is one of the worst jokes I have ever heard, and yet it makes me laugh every time I think about it. Who comes up with these things? My friend Erin Cotten says that lots of people aren't famous for their talent, but because they were the first to act on an idea that was crazy enough to become famous. You hear things made up by these people or see things they made and you say to yourself. "Are you serious? I could do that!" But you didn't. So they are famous and you aren't.

I wish I made this joke up, but I didn't. So, I will just have to continue to rely on people who have way too much time on their hands to make up things that will make me laugh.

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