Thursday, December 20, 2007

Growing Up On French Films

So, I have really hip artsy friends who like to watch foreign films. When I see them in my mind they are all very European when they watch these movies, they discuss cinematography and international issues. "My, look at these expansive landscape shots of Eastern Germany." "Oh, how I pity the plight of the lower middle class citizens in Luxembourg, have you heard what they are dealing with currently?" In my mind it is the pinnacle of intelligence and culture. Sure, I feel intelligent and cultured when I watch them as well, but mostly it is just reminiscent, like watching Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

When I was little we watched international films quite a bit. The first R rated film I ever saw was Ran. It is a Japanese version of King Lear that I saw with my family when I was 4. It was ok because it was Japanese, right? We watched French films the most. So, when I was over making chicken last night and heard that my friends had been watching Jean de Florette, I almost melted with fond memories.

I snatched the film last night and relived my childhood in one of the tragic and yet beautiful films I have ever seen. As I was watching it I thought, "Wow, I used to watch cartoons every Saturday morning and French Films at night. Now, don't get the idea that I watched them every night, but this really was how we rolled. I guess it explains a lot (thanks Hali). I am just inherently cultured. I may not be able to comment on the plight of those that live in Luxembourg, but I can certainly hold my own.

1 comment:

Hali said...

ha ha...i love it! So silly and so funny. And, yes, I will be your date this afternoon! So excited...