Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Relay Recap

Highlights from the Relay

Getting in the van Friday morning with the rest of my team and feeling like I belonged there. 

Seeing Camilla, Katie, and Faith dance to Justin Bieber in a wheat field. 

Running an 8:17 mile in my first leg! Yup folks, that is my fastest ever!

Sporting my homemade tutu and cape for the "Brightest Running Outfit" contest during my first leg.

Seeing the "Best Light Show" contest. Everyone was decked out in flashing lights and glow-in-the-dark gear for the midnight run.

An endless supply of chocolate milk

Having a child vomit all over me at 11:30pm and totally staying cool

Walking up delirious after negative 2  hours of sleep to hop on an insane roller coaster with the rest of my team at 3:00 in the morning. 

My last leg. A 6.1 mile run along the Pend Orielle River in Priest River, ID. I would say it was probably one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. 

6 orders of "The Special" for breakfast at the Village Cafe.  6 plates full of eggs, steak, homefries, and toast. It was our first real meal since dinner the night before we started, so it had been maybe 36 hours. Mmmm. 

Crossing the finish line with my team and receiving my first finishers medal! 


Lindsay said...

I love the costume competitions for each leg of the race! Glad you had a good time.

Tracy Mills said...

You rock girl!