Friday, June 17, 2011

525,600 Minutes

This morning I dropped off Heather's Strawberry Shortcake lunch box that she let me borrow for school. She is leaving for China today. Again. Lucky girl.

To be completely honest, I don't want to go back at all. But I am jealous that she gets to go, does that make any sense? I don't know if it does, but it is so crazy to think that a year ago I was starting my adventure in China.

This is especially crazy because China was not only a crazy international 7 week trip, it was also the start of one of the biggest years of my life. I quit the job I had been at for almost 5 years, started grad school, and altogether turned my life upside down.

I am sure that you will understand when I say that I can't believe it has only been a year - but I also feel like I have lived a life time since last June.

I have grown up a lot in the last year; I learned a few things in school, made a lot of friends, jumped out of a plane, took up some new hobbies, and more or less became a new person. A person that, quite frankly, I like a lot. Not like that is anything new ;) but I guess I am just really proud of who I have become over the last year. I am also totally blown away by all of the incredible things I have experienced in my lifetime. If you had told me 10 years ago that any of this would have happened, I probably would have laughed at you. But here I am. Wow.

Anyway, I suppose that as long as I was being introspective, I just wanted to pat myself on the back - and say thanks to all the amazing people in my life who helped me to make this last year one of the best I have ever had.

Y'all rock my socks. Thanks!


Karen Ella said... rock MY socks! :) I'm so glad you moved to the social hole o' South Provo so that we could be friends! :) I <3 you!

heidikins said...

Love this, you're amazing.


Tracy said...

I'm glad that you are my friend.... AND I am SO excited for our sleepover!