Monday, April 21, 2008

You want fries with that?

I am moving today, so there is nothing to eat at my house. On my way home from work, I stopped at the local McDonalds and got a whole lot more than what I ordered. I pulled up to the window and handed the fellow at the window my $1.08. This is the verbal exchange that followed the monetary exchange:

"So, what did you do today?"

"Worked too hard."

"Where do you work?"


"Like you are an employee there?"

"Yup, like I am an employee."

"I bet you meet a lot of cute guys there."

"Yup, most of them are about 17."


"I recruit high school students."

"Oh, yeah. Cool. There is this 17 year old girl who works here and she is like 'Hey, I'm 17 and I have a baby.' There are so many girls here with kids. It's like babies having babies."


"So, where are your kids? You aren't married are you?"

I just stared back at him. At this point, the fates took pity on me and intervened; the car behind me honked. I smiled and put my car right into gear and drove on. I don't know what it is about getting hit on at food places, but I decided that I am only going to eat at fancy places from now on. Then maybe the guys who hit on me will be a bit more classy. No more fast food goons for me.


Anonymous said...

way funny. when he asked if you had kids, you should have told him that you forgot them, so you had to go. but you are right, goon for sure!

::David and Erin:: said...

You are a goon magnet when it comes to getting hit on at fast food joints...what the heck!

Unknown said...

I'll have to tell Katie to stop flirting with that kid at the McDonalds drive thru....

Hali said...

Ha ha...I'm so sorry I missed this one. You know you only get hit on because you are so FABULOUSLY beautiful. I think it's the red hair? Luv ya. Hope you're having fun in AZ.

heidikins said...

