Friday, January 18, 2008

A Bit of a Fainting Spell

Once upon a time there was a girl named Jennica. She thought that she was a very brave and strong girl. As fate would have it, she is a very brave and strong girl, only not when it comes to having her blood drawn...

I went to the doctor on Wednesday. It was just routine stuff, no big deal. I needed to have some blood drawn so I walked myself right down to the lab and when they called my name I went and sat in one of the grey chairs that people sit in when they have their blood drawn. I was feeling very brave that day, and was only a little nervous when I sat in the chair. Now, mind you I haven't sat in one of those chairs for several years. I always tell them that I need to sit in the big pink reclining chair. "Believe me", I say, "it will be better for both of us." Well, I didn't say anything on Wednesday, I wanted to be brave. I wanted to be normal. It was a lie. The phlebotomist had to take 3 vials. After the second one, I started feeling a littel light-headed. She asked me if I was ok and I said yes. I just needed to keep breathing deeply, I knew it would be ok. Then I woke up. They put me in the pink chair after all. I just curled up in that chair and slept for an hour. I tried so hard to regain consciousness, but I couldn't. I just wanted to sleep. At about 3:00, feeling only slightly groggy, I stumbled out of the clinic, into my car and into my bed.


Hali said...

Glad you're feeling better my time however, just lay down! :)

Elly said...

Next time I will drive you, my dear!
Love, your mother, Lisa (using Heather's ID - that I didn't know she had.)