Saturday, November 20, 2010

Weak Ankles

Tuesday night my facebook status read as follows:

New playlist. Check. Running shoes. Check. Rockin the beanie? You bet. Rolled ankle in the first song...Really Mitchell? Really?!

It was unfortunate, especially as HRH and I are signed up to run a 5k on Thanksgiving. I put my foot up, iced my ankle and hoped for the best. After about 2 days I was feeling pretty good. One more day of rest and I should be right as rain.

Apparently, the universe found my confidence amusing. Friday afternoon I was walking downstairs at my house and then, suddenly, I wasn't walking anymore. I took the last 7 steps in one fell swoop. As I was falling, I somehow found myself with a lot of time for thinking.

"Wow, this can't be good. Nope, this can't end well. I am going to have to come down again at some point and it can't be good. I wonder if I will break something? I have never broken anything before. I hope my insurance is good. Well, no matter what, I can't land of my left ankle. That would be tragic for sure."

So I landed on my right ankle. Really Mitchell, really?! This is unreal...and more than a little uncomfortable. On the upside, I haven't got a lot to do this weekend and my couch is rather comfortable. So here I sit, with an ankle the size of Africa, watching movies and painting my nails. Maybe this is exactly what I needed after all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww shucks, Jennica. I wish you a full and speedy recovery. Maybe you shouldn't be a runner. Just saying! :)