The grinch freaks me out. The old school, well beloved, holiday special. Like, I-can't-watch-the-silly-show-by-myself, freaks me out. I understand that to many people it is an annual tradition, a classic that helps families ring in the holiday with Christmas cheer, but to me, it is sheer terror. It is a frightening, chaotic, vomit-colored catastrophe. Every year, I try to stomach it. Every year, I try to believe that I am stronger and can enjoy this classic cartoon just like everyone else. Every year, I fail.
So, this year, I am just going to own it. I hate the grinch. I will not watch it on tv, I will not watch it, I decree! I do not like it, not the least. I do not like grinch or roast beast!
Bwahahahaha! (Picture me crawling into your room and whispering that in my "creepy" voice.)
I love this, and I really love that you wrote it during PBA.
You just go right ahead and embrace it! Even if Hali threatens you with her "creepy" voice (which we all know and love!)
Ha. I just watched that tonight with Zachary and Daniel. Funny you should post that.
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