Sunday, August 1, 2010

In China it is 5:30pm. That just happens to make it 3:30am here. For some reason, jet-lag is always more difficult for me on the way back. It may have something to do with the fact that international travel is a little bit exhausting and therefore weakens my ability to fight the lag. Perhaps this time it is also a little worse due to the fact that I am wading through the waste land that is my final paper, and stressed about moving next week, and worried about officially starting grad school, and my baby sister just had a baby and I am not going to make it out to Nevada to welcome her to the world, and I am readjusting to soft beds, and normal food, and dry air. Maybe that has something to do with it...


Karen Ella said...

awwww. Welcome home Jennica!

Camilla said...

You should just think of those super fly hotties chillin on the hood of a yellow PT Cruiser in some random parking lot on a Friday night. We missed you!!