Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm With The Band

I went to two different concerts in August. Interestingly enough, they were both at the same venue and both headlined guys named Joshua. The universe turned out to be even more interesting when one of those Joshua guys came and played a concert at UVU during welcome week. 3 Joshua concerts.

At this point you may be thinking, "My, what a lucky girl Jennica is. So many Joshuas in such a short amount of time." I would agree with you, but I would say that it is not the Joshuas that make me lucky. It is their bassists.

Somehow, I have some kind of crazy connection with the bassists for both Joshuas. Please see exhibits A and B below:

exhibit A:

This is me being very buddy buddy with Joshua Radin's bassist

exhibit B:

This is Joshua James' bassist being very buddy buddy with me!

Seriously, I was taking pictures of the even for our office and the bassist kept looking at the camera. I would say that he just liked getting his picture taken, but check out the look on his face. Like I said - buddy buddy.


Jeff and Ari said...

It's probably because you are a sexy redhead. They couldn't resist you!! So which one did you hook up with? Be honest ... I won't think your are a slut if it was all 3 :)!

Hali said...

Hardy Har Har Har... Yeah, which one did you hook up with? [Cough, cough, slut!]

Kidding... heart you ;)