Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lessons in Hope

First things first, I don't know if anyone looks at this blog anymore because it hasn't been updated since the dawn of time. For that, I apologize. My excuse? Life has been crazy. Honestly, there is no other way to describe it. Oh, and I moved(part of the afore mentioned "crazy") and we don't have the internet at our apartment yet, making it more than a little difficult to blog with any kind of constancy. Hopefully we will soon be able to join modern civilization and get ourselves on-line.

On to the matter at hand, with a new apartment comes a new ward. I think that many of you are familiar with my ward, it was featured in the movie "The Singles Ward." I don't know how else to describe what happened recently at church other than to say that I was, for 3 hours, transported out of reality and into a Singles Ward Twilight Zone.

First, in Relief Society our teacher shared with us her desperation to get married(next month)and to start her family so that she can help to build Zion. She talked about how difficult it is for all of us to wait, wait, wait to get married and start families and how frustrating it can be to not yet be able to assist in building Zion. We need to patient, like the early pioneers were patient. Apparently we are all worthless in the church until the happy day arrives that we find our "other half"; the half that allows us to begin to lend a hand to build the kingdom. Our poor relief society president tried to regulate, but this sweet spirit was determined to express her sympathy to the rest of us single souls.

Fate could not have been paired with circumstance more perfectly than it was at the end of the lesson. Our RSP got up and announced that the Bishop had ordered a copy of the August Ensign for each member of the ward. Single and Steadfast: Lessons in Hope. I almost died. Lessons in hope? For every member of the ward?

Now, I am grateful to the Bishop. I mean we are all single, so why not get us a copy of the Special Singles Edition of the Ensign? I guess it is like when your kid is in the paper and you buy up every copy you can find. It was a nice gesture. However, I, like many other singles that I know, resent the implication that I need lessons in hope! Contrary to an obviously popular belief, I am sure that I can be a worthwhile citizen in my community and in the kingdom of God whether I am married or sans eternal companion. I have been rather productive for the last 26 years, I graduated high school, college, served a mission, served in church callings, and I did it all by my very own single self.

So, I guess what I would like to say is, thanks but no thanks. I am not like the examples of the 29 year old prone to depression or the 26 year old who wonders if he is marriage material. I don't cry every night that prince charming hasn't come to snatch me up and I don't resent his absence. I am in no way handicapped because I am single. I can still contribute, I still have a testimony and I don't need to be told that everything will work out. Maybe it won't. I am ok with that. I know who I am and I know God's plan. I trust in His timing and I will do my best to work on myself and serve those around me until the blessed day arrives and prince charming does sweep me off me feet. But you know what I am going to do when that day arrives? I am going to continue to go to church, work on myself and serve those around me. So maybe we can save our sympathy and condolences for those who are facing real tragedies.


The Coopers said...

That sounds like a fun ward. I would have been torn between laughing and being at a loss for words from being totally shocked. When I was in college and I was 24 and happily single people would say 'keep you chin up you still have a chance' like i am suppose to be depressed about being 24 and single. There was this one old lady that was like 'you shouldnt be so picky, you are getting up there in years and there are not many guys left' I couldnt help but laugh at her and tell her that I am sure that I will find someone when I am ready and I am only 24 for crying out loud! I am not sure what happened to turn the culture in this strange direction, but just know that you are on the right track for not buying in to it. Love ya!

Hali said...

Ha ha... I heart you. Completely, totally, 150%.

PS.. thanks for being my roomy and putting up with my craziness.

And PSS.. I'm still reading this (obviously), so keep posting. You're hilarious.